i brushed the shit out of her greasy hide in celebration. she flopped about whorishly and seemed to enjoy it.
i think i was also married on this day in 1997. that is odd to contemplate.
life goes on.
i am much better off for it... the whole experience. how cynical, that i can call a marriage 'an experience.' i meant it (my vows, my commitment to another) at the time, at least. we ad-libbed our vows and bawled in front of each other. b fixed the judge's computer and she took $25 off the $75 fee.
that is so weird to think about now... i cannot properly apply it to who i am today. it's someone else's story that i've familiarized myself with.
hey, look at this! (it's blurry)

i finally got the hard copy of my massage license from the state of washington... and my business license.
want a massage?
p showed me his logo today. i drew hands... a fucking pain in the ass, chronicled previously... and he didn't change them at all. he liked them exactly as i drew them. hands! i created his business icon! this is incredibly exciting!
as our deal: he housed the bug for 2 months in his garage and owed me a massage. that was my 'reimbursement' for the design. i came up with that. it seemed fair. when it's all said and done, the actual hand-drawing took all of 15 minutes (plus hours of stress...). he is practicing out of his home and has fixed the place up beautifully. i hadn't had a massage since november... and i needed one.
last weeks' med was a bad one. i spent thursday night in a fetal position, my entire body feeling like a knuckle that needed cracking. i went to p's place on friday and said "my fascia is fucked. work on my back. i just want to pass out." he had the requisite water-burbling waterfall-crap-thing and some airy-fairy music playing, and i got on the table... and the massage was not that good. i spent the hour facedown, assessing his every move- go UP! why are you stopping there? god damn it, are you going to do anything to my shoulders? (he didn't.) oh, i like that- i'm stealing that move. fuck, i could do this much better than he is...
it was good for me in that respect- it refreshed my interest, and my ability. i give a good fucking massage. i am annoyed that i didn't have the transcendent experience that i'd hoped for, but i'm also pleased that p, whom i've always viewed as mr. massage expert, is no better at his craft than i am.
it reminded me of what i spent the last almost-2-years learning. it renewed my brain.
p's a good guy. after tonight's weekly sushi date, he gave s and i free almond mist tea at the place he works.
massage is very, very individualistic. that is one of my favorite, and one of the most intimidating, aspects of it...
years ago, variations of this theme were all over seattle. all the signs were replaced but new ones are cropping up. this pleases me.

i really must invest in a fucking tripod. this lack of focus is very irritating.
i stranded myself in roosevelt last week. i strand myself in verious neighborhoods quite often... i ended up walking from roosevelt to lake city for a staff meeting. i passed this hardware store on 65th- it's been there for decades. it's one of those places where you think "how the fuck do they stay in business? does it double as a brothel?" knowing that there are still places like this, somehow, makes me happy...

last night a group of us went rollerskating. i have rollerskated once, when i was twelve, and i smashed the bejesus out of my ass within the first two minutes and couldn't sit comfortably for several days afterward. this time was much better. c was there and kindly held my hand for the first while. "i'm cramping your style" i said apologetically. "that's okay" he replied. by the end of the night i was skating on my own, passing people, listening to "gangstas paradise" under the glitter of the disco ball. what the fuck has happened to me? i'm going again next week. try something new, always...
before the trek to lynnwood (where the rink is) we gathered at d's house and watched her cat drink milk from a glass.

to make a 'baker's oven', soak a brick in boiling water for 10-20 minutes, then place it in a hot (450+) oven, whereupon it will steam copiously and delightfully harden the crust of your baking baguette. thank you, julia child.
fuck egg whites. egg white glazes are for plebes.
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