i worked approximately 57 hours over the last 6 days. at least. by yesterday (an eleven-hour shift that stretched into twelve because the overnight tech called in late) i was giddily loopy, making stupid puns and laughing in a maniacal "hee-hee-hee" way. "you've completely lost it" t told me, laughing also.
i got home, collapsed in bed, and read "bonk" until i fell asleep. "bonk" is entrancing but not nearly as much as "stiff"- her coquettish asides are rather annoying. nevertheless, i reccommend it for anyone who wishes to learn more about erectile dysfunction and the sorcery of impotence. what would you use as a cock ring?
and though i thought the title was peuriley amusing the first time i heard it, i am now rather embarrassed to be reading a book called "bonk." no one says "bonk." do they? how about this: iffin you want in muh pants, don't ever refer to it as "bonking." jesus fucking christ. it makes me think of a plastic toy that you hit with a hammer.
i had lofty plans for the morrow by the time "bonk" lulled me to slumber. instead i woke up, ate jello, fucked around on facebook and took another nap. i didn't piss the entire day away, thank christ- a BRIEF midday nap can be quite restorative, even if it did involve creepy dreams about something i can no longer remember- and when i emerged into the world the sun was shining and i promptly shed my jacket.
i am going to be volunteering at the bailey-boushay house as a licensed massage therapist! that was the aspect of massage that really yanked my crank, if you will- because the rest of it makes me want to fucking vomit. i returned to cortiva for the first time since i graduated to get copies of the tb titers and vaccine histories that i had to submit to bailey-boushay (hereafter known as BBH- watch me) in september. they shredded all of that when i graduated. so i have to go to virginia mason (the hospital they work with) and get repricked and reprodded... not a big deal, just slightly inconvenient. cortiva has been completely remodeled. i saw a lot of the admin folk i dealt with during my time there, reminding me anew how obvious and enraging a fake smile can be.
i have been wrestling with the following since i enrolled in school in june of 2008. it was a total whim. a caprice! and only one person who knows me on any level said "yeah, i can see that" when they heard i'd enrolled. i had never had a fucking massage, i hate new-age bullshit, and it doesn't cross my mind to hug people unless i know them very well. why the fuck did i do it, then? why did i commit 18 months of my time and over $15,000 (yes, really) to this?
what i love about massage:
-being touched is powerful. it reminds you that you are a human also.
-when you are receiving a massage, you are the practitioner's sole focus. it is all about the client.
-it feels good to do. it feels physically right. if i truly pay attention, it is impossible to give a shitty massage.
-the human body is fucking fascinating. everything hinges together in such tenuousity. it's a miracle anything consistently works at all. the fact that it does impresses the shit out of me. it's very humbling and beautiful, i must say.
-the emotional response to massage far outweighs the physical benefits.
what i fucking hate about massage:
-the TRUE stereotypes: flaky, frivolous, chakratastic, bullshit, so help me goddess, flowy-caftan-from-a-catalog-wearing, soft-spoken, beeswax, moon signs, loose-leaf tea, "yeah, we should really get together sometime...", yoga mats, blank stares, muted tones, CHIMES.
-the entire concept of 'spa work.'
-overcharging. charging. why should anyone pay for a massage? seriously! yes, i said it.
my view of massage is the same as my view of (any) religion: the basic tenets are beautiful and inarguable... but the commercialization is fucking repugnant. 'commercial' massage is bullshit. BULLSHIT! signed, brynn LMP WA LIC# MA60127466
with BBH, i won't be working with the same people i saw when i was in school- i don't think. i'll be working with outpatients, people who are still healthy enough to not require 24/7 care. (it's a liability thing- before, i was buffered by the umbrella of school- by the way, we were the last class to do BBH. the program has been discontinued due to "lack of interest.") i've never seen their 'day' facilities. i am so fucking excited. this is what makes sense to me.
unlike nearly everyone else in my class, i always had a job. and despite my moaning and carrying on, i really do enjoy it. it comes automatically now, to the point of being slightly disturbing. i keep vowing i won't do it forever... who knows. perhaps it is this 'security', coupled with an admitted indifference to most things "masSAGE", that leads me to believe that free is the only fair option. possibly i am surmising this through eyes occluded by non-desperation. (the new clinic is a huge gamble. we'll either hit the ground running or we'll all be out of a job in six months. i very well may have to revisit my derision of all things spa, god fucking forbid.)
disused train cars behind cyclone fencing...

it is saint patrick's day. there are already occasional groups wandering about with plastic green hats and multiple beads. i left my "everyone loves an irish girl" and "spank me i'm irish" shirts AT HOME, thank you. (note: they are only ever worn in public when under scrubs.) to my curmudgeony credit, i am wearing nary a stitch of green on this day of drunks behaving badly.
to reward myself for working the last six days and, as a result, spending very little money, i bought another bukowski book, downloaded the new white stripes album, and drank two gin and tonics while the sun shone far above the horizon.
soon i shall sashay to the lindy class.
life is good.
i'm in the mood for a melody/i'm in the mood.
it's a beautiful warm spring day in fair seattle.
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