i need to properly revisit those books. the earlier stories (see: otis spofford) are jaw-droppingly racist, but overall, i fucking love beverly cleary.
"for an addict, it's eden or nothing." -lee stringer, 'grand central winter'
the veteran's memorial cemetery off aurora.

queen anne last week. my lair might be in there somewhere.

said lair on a sunnier morrow.

and the triumphantly minimal evidence of tipsily painting...

i finally got the proper paperwork to continue volunteering at bailey-boushay. i have to live by my prosthlytizing, which i am aware i did not spell correctly, or else i feel funky and soiled... so it's been a happy day.
en route to bailey i saw this in a yard.

downtown, after.

this month's proust questionnaire is with taki, the longterm columnist for britain's 'the spectator'. how would he like to die? "give the last seat on the last lifeboat to a beautiful young girl, then go to the first-class lounge for a final drink."
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