i love the aurora bridge. it is a marvel of pain and beauty.
approaching from the southwest, on this last disarmingly lovely sunday:
emergency boxes are stationed along the bridge. this is your view as you call for help. i almost cried whilst taking this picture. i wonder how many people, if any, looked at the vista before them and thought "maybe another day, but not now."
then again, something beautiful should be the last thing anyone sees, whatever the circumstances.
and on several pillars, a smartass bansky ripoff:
i was in an oddly humanity-loving mood when i got off the bridge on the fremont side. i passed the troll, a huge group of kids posing for photographs in front of it, everyone rosy-cheeked and darting around hyperactively. the leaves on the sidewalk were wet and slippery. permanent puddles reflected the sun.
i revisited another happy place, st ignatius chapel, last night. this is one of my oases of serenity. one need not be religious to appreciate goodness.
this is part of the ceiling:
and the functional contrast of the everyday, somehow more evocative at 12:45am, in black and white, with a mild alcohol buzz:
now: rain hits the window while a cat drinks water. i am surrounded by soothing sounds of wetness.
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