some days are just right. insecurities and neuroses are replaced- or perhaps, simply more favorably renamed- with a feeling of peace. last night, walking uphill in the breathtaking cold, blinking to warm my retinas, i felt pretty fucking serene.
it was very, very therapeutic to be reminded that i have a past and people in the world who care. seattle proper has been rather dearthlike in this respect, even still. it is a deeply picturesque berg... and a dumping ground for flaky, self-absorbed snark. as someone who is extremely possessive of my personal time and space, this is generally quite suitable; but when i want to feel an actual connection with another human being, it is a fucking lonely place.
last night i saw ya ho wha 13. they were fucking amazing- a more psychedelic version of can.
there were perhaps 40 people in the audience, mostly huge hairy men, and i leaned directly against the stage for most of the show. grinning. i had stumbled into a pocket of the world that immediately felt like home.
afterwards, waiting for the bus, camera aimed at ice:
...a guy walked up and asked if i knew where orion was in the sky. we were standing directly under a streetlight that obliterated any astronomy. i directed him south. he came back around the corner a moment later. "i found it!" he was very jubilant. we walked down the block together, into dimness, and admired the stars.
the GODDAMN COLD is making everything jarringly lovely. and people are nicer. faces are rosy. and the sunrise, just now, was once again beautiful.
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