Monday, December 22, 2008

the honeymoon is over

another goddamn motherfucking deluge hit yesterday. snow was collecting on the hammering man.

...the sunday before xmas and everything was shut down by 7pm... except for bars.
i missed my 3rd day of work. the city is paralyzed. the undeniable beauty of everything is only marginally helpful in keeping my outlook optimistic.
queen anne avenue was a nexus of frolic.

...and my street, 5th N- still closed, still pristinely unsanded or unplowed.

the buses are nonexistant. i had to cancel going to see my family for the holidays. if this weather maintains (as it is supposed to for the next week), and the city continues to be COMPLETELY FUCKING INEFFECTUAL, i will also be unable to get to work, again. there is a very real possibility that i will be spending xmas completely alone. and that, despite my bleating about nonsentimental atheistic sensibility, is really fucking sad.
sweet green is holding down the fort.

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