a window along airport way:
an abandoned building. the foliage along the sides was inundated with wood spiders dangling at eye level. there was a setup amid the shrubbery for a cat- a box surrounded by food tins and a water dish. i was touched by that. it reminded me of the medinas of tunis.
the underpass of airport way:
inside the rainier cold storage building, through the window. this has always been one of my favorite structures in seattle. there are 'proposed land use' signs all over it- soon to be demolished. this is another scene i shall fantasize about- someone set that chair there and what- stared out at the sunshine? read a book? was straddled? wept?
rainier cold storage from the street. the original rainier brewery was fully demolished this summer- i have pictures on here somewhere from when it was first bulldozed and people left flowers in the fence in mourning. progress... i took a crumbly stone from the dusty remnants yesterday- to put beside my warped crowbar from the kingdome.
the vacuum/bible purveyor on 4th south:
cleanliness is next to g- never fucking mind.
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