the lead singer of spiritualized, who did not address the audience at all. nor did he take off his sunglasses. blurriness is his comeuppance.
several blocks of businesses along broadway are vacant (including the hostel/doss house i stayed at when first arriving in seattle in 1996), awaiting demolishment for the new light-rail station. they have become a series of rotating art exhibits in the meantime. it is fucking awesome. some are inside the storefronts. this is attached to the old jack in the box.
vincent bugliosi, looking very fucking old.
walking home. this is at the top of itchykoo park/toker's paradise (the actual municipal moniker is "bhy krake park", honestly) next to my lair. it is a happy place. the vantage point makes me feel like i've done something right...
the first term of school ends next wednesday. i am startled at how much i know- and horrified by how little i still retain.
listened to 'renaissance' on lp this morning. the sky has been a hazy orange hue today- forest-fire gold and muggy as fuck. it was almost 80 degrees earlier: people in summer garb, sillouhetes against the sidewalk. 'twas a waking dream.
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