i saw dr dog.
my bank collapsed.
i am mortified to be from alaska... rather, i am ashamed that such ignorance, such arrogant bush-minus-penis BULLSHIT is being rendered synonymous with the land that reared me. between palin's fucking idiocy and ted stevens' bastardly glower, you'd think everyone from alaska is a chaw-chewin', gun-wrangling, meth-cookin' bible-thumping hick. i mean, fuck- replace the rifles with pistols and you may as well be describing 95% of washington too. although in washington you get surly looks if you don't recycle...
this was downtown, wednesday... a little gathering of earnestness. there was even a news crew there, which seemed silly.
i don't have a television, so i watched the ubiquitous katie couric foreign-policy interview on the library computers. i couldn't help thinking "jesus, that sounds like something i would say when i have no fucking idea what i'm talking about." i almot feel sorry for her, which immediately reminds me: if she was a he, would i have that (admittedly VERY WEAK) glimmer of empathy? no, absolutely not. i am a sexist asshole like everyone else.
on a related note, i love david letterman a little more after this week.
dr dog... OH MY GOD. they were so very, very good. it was a wholly glorious night. i had been waiting a long time to see them. delta spirit and hacienda opened. i have lengthy (and almost unwatchably jostly) video of most of it, again rendered untransferable due to my pithy connection.
we were squashed in the back. this is a horribly unfocused picture of half the band.
and the lead singer, the growly one, gettin hisself all sweaty.
on the sidewalk of my street:
and another art window on broadway:
i have a week off from school. next term: kinesthiology and myofascial work. i may take the train to portland, or not. fall is always my favorite season...
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