j and i saw 'burn after reading' yesterday. it was mediocre. brad pitt was fucking great, and i am cringing at having typed that sentence.
afterwards i saw spiritualized. i was slappin'-distance of the lead guitarist's ass- and oddly, as it occured to me whilst walking home, i never saw his face. he wears ill-fitting black levi's and work boots, though, and the stage lights made a halo around his dark hair.
they were great until what i imagine was their final song- it disintegrated into a self-indulgent dirge- rather, an IRRITATING FUCKING CACOPHONY- that went on for at least six minutes. i was pushed against the stage- actually, not pushed, for it was a decidedly docile crowd- and watched the audience go from listless bouncing (all one can really hope for in seattle; i am guilty of it too) to bemused atony. it was fucking painful to continue standing there, watching them suddenly suck so badly. and i had a bus to catch. so i left. they opened the show with my favorite song, the song that i listened to OVER AND OVER right after leaving t (see dec-jan 2006, or don't- actually, please don't), and i have very nice video of it that perhaps i will someday post.
but overall: yay! i needed that! yay!
s called today. she is coming to seattle for my birthday. the whole goddamn weekend! i am so fucking excited. in fact, i am smiling foolishly at this very moment...
massage school: the first term ends next week. i massage a friend, not a classmate, tomorrow. he is a licensed masseur. i am a bit nervous, for several reasons. and today i had the epiphany in class that the instructors warned us about the first week, the epiphany that i scoffed at. i thought: "i do not want to be fucking touched today. at all." my partner was the class's only smoker and she was practicing on my arms and chest. her breath was terrible and i was feeling clausterphobic. and guilty. the first few weeks of school were full of giddy "wow that feels AMAZING" pap; now we all know how the sequences go, what feels right and what doesn't, and we're all a lot more critical and impatient. perhaps massaging someone new will be better after all...? i still love to give massages. i feel like i've gotten my flow down. i am relaxed enough to sense what they, as an individual, need, rather than just focus on how to do the strokes- because everyone is so fucking different. i appreciate the human body even more now. how people's skin feels, where they palpably carry tension, how they breathe, what their expressions convey- we are amazing animals.
i am using my student id to procure a free hour at this here cafe; i am here all the time. the guy at the counter just said "i am always needing a free massage and i know you need the hours." i am already flushed with my one glass of (prissy, but it's hot in here) chardonnay, but this pleases me.
at instances like this i must reflect on the nuances of my life and think "overall, fuck yeah."
... so 'leisureville'? the book about the vast retirement community ("55 years young!") in florida, with the slutty pathos and artifice galore? i doubted its existence. so i found it online. the site is horrifying, complete with a ghastly theme song. i sent away for information (according to 'the villages', the name of the community, i am "evelyn peterson") and it arrived last week. several packets of their various home layouts (complete with screened lanais for 'at home entertaining') AND a dvd that i have yet to watch... i showed the paraphenalia to j. he made a smartass and very accurate comment about the 'racial representation' on the cover of the pamphlet- representation which, i know from the book, to be inaccurate- there were perhaps 6 couples in the sprawling morass of 'the villages' who were not blindingly caucasian, as well as a transsexual who felt extremely out of place.
'leisureville'- it is good and should be read by many people, if only to determine how you DON'T want to age.
as i age: i just want to be in control of my faculties, both physical and mental, and surrounded by love and thriving plants and good smells. greedily, i think it would take all of that to keep me truly happy.