he sounded fantastic. our seats- the blanket on the grass- were on the extreme periphery and the stage was obscured by speakers. but towards the end of the show the security guards relaxed a bit- i took this about 15' from him, surrounded by jostling folk clapping their hands arythmically.
he played 'georgia.' and 'crazy'. and 'blue eyes crying in the rain.' and, of course, 'whiskey river.' he did not play 'time of the preacher', but i can forgive that.
the venue sells beer and wine, 2 drink limit per counter visit. thus, buying 2 glasses of wine gets you a plastic pint glass filled with wine. and that is what i did. "all i need is a fucking straw" i said. j was busy manhandling 2 sloshy cups of ipa.
it was one of the best nights i've had in a while. at least a week.
the (dying) pet skunk at work. descented, they are fucking adorable.
(these morning pictures just gush with authenticity)
i was walking home about 2 weeks ago, circa 1am, and passed this window. this picture was taken from the sidewalk and though the blinds. i find myself making up stories about it.
and your typical seattle window... just, just heard about palin being mccain's vp nomination. fucking fuck. that was an annoyingly savvy move. he's going for the vagina vote.
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