Thursday, August 21, 2008

happy i am

i am really fucking pleased with my life!
it has been years since i can say that with alacrity!
hence the fragmented sentences and superfluous exclamation points!


it fucking poured today. the air was warm and the rain was visible as it careened through the sky. and the smells of the city brought me back. i am awakened. i can feel my pupils dilate. something really fucking cool is already happening. this is the new era.
i stayed after class to give another massage. i am completely flustered with the chest sequence. i am very confident about the back. the sun broke through the clouds during petrissage.
'leisureville' is an incredibly disturbing tome- not only for the crux of its content but for the blind joy that its habitants express over its existence. it should be read by all who plan on aging. i read it whilst hunched on the floor of the UW bookstore until they closed. then i traipsed to bleu to discuss religion with a stranger at the bar. now: the ambience is warm, i am enjoying hot green tea, and i got to hear the cure's 'a forest' for the first time in years. that is a completely perfect song.
i took an impromptu jaunt to thurston county last night to assuage some of the familial dissonance with my delightful mother. we had a very good talk, laughed until we cried, and watched the olympics. and i cried some more. when shawn johnson's parents embraced in the stands i completely lost it. i am snivelingly susceptible to other people's emotions. i felt great love for the world as i sat in my mother's armchair, on my ass, watching athletic feats.
i drove home in torrential rain. i very nearly fell asleep. my car kept waking me up as it drifted over the rumble strips. i nearly hit an articulated bus. i inexplicably got a second wind around sea-tac, window fully rolled down, arm getting wet, blaring 'got to get you into my life' under blurry orange clouds. when i safely reached my lair i kissed the steering wheel.

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