Wednesday, February 15, 2006

my god, she can't possibly be that neurotic

so i have spent the last hour fumbling about my stupid blog site, wondering why the fucking page wouldn't open. switch to netscape and ahhh. i should have known.
what i was planning to write was: i am very happy overall. i feel that giddy lalala crushy glow that i had essentially written off as an emotional option. that inane elation, however, is peppered with agitated fits of self-sabotage. the few icky things in my life keep seeming to intrude, amplified, sending me into a tailspin. i then start to doubt my jubilance. i think, this is too good to be true. this is seeming too fucking easy. i must be being played. he knows me well enough to know what i want to hear. i shouldn't put myself into as completely open a position as i have. i am setting myself up to be devastated. and so it goes. even as i write this i recognize my lunacy. i am being paranoid. i am not trusting happiness because nasty regretful depressive guilty self-disgust is so much more understandable.
i am not editing at all. detachedly, i am curious how coherent this will be.
work at tacoma: busy, fun, competent. grim theme du jour: anemia. the foxhound with the goldenrod sclera. (euthanized.) the golden retriever with the splenic hemangiosarcoma. (euthanized.) the cat with idiopathic white gums... i left before finding the outcome of that one. the dalmation projectile-vomiting after 2 seperate enterotomies. the bouvier with the amputated rear leg and the very nice owner. wrestling with a 140# mastiff. the moon is waning. it was cauled in mist on the way home. my apartment is always very warm. it smells like incense even though i haven;t burned any. i bought another bevy of plants yesterday. it is nice to come home to green things.
5 things i want to do before i die (in no order of importance, and undoubtedly among hundreds):
-eat something from a street vendor in thailand
-see a drive-in movie
-take someone i love to pere lachaise
-go to graceland
these all involve travel, sort of. i suppose i should quit my jobs and re-prioritize. i always hoped that i would know when i was dying, that i would have enough time to Plan. i would hate to be victim of some abrupt accident and have so many things unaccomplished, not to mention people having to look through my disheveled aftermath: the embarrassingly bare journals, the unwashed sheets, the old newspapers with every crossword completed and surrounded by doodles of grouchy faces. i would love to leave behind a dog-eared, thoughtfully underlined work of literature, but it may end up being a trashy magazine in the loo instead.
"you've become a sweet taste in my mouth" tina turner sings. jesus, she read the undercurrent of my thoughts exactly.


sssnole said...

Valley 6 Outdoor Theaters
(253) 854-1250
401 49th St Ne
Auburn, WA 98002

Bronto Love said...

If this guy ever fucks you over, let me know and I'll send in the goon squad. I'm marshalling my army of cats now...

Thailand sounds nice.. So do graveyards in Paris, as long as we are above ground...