this is, admittedly, a terrible photograph- adjacent buildings prohibited me from aligning it to my preference. and it's generic as fuck. but i love the way the blue sky is reflected... a thin line seperates the structure from its background.

last week continued the pattern of "2010, not so much." luckily everything has crescendoed to the point where i am happy and well-humoured again; as the parlance goes, i am trying to Take It In Stride. at the end of my 13hr shift on sunday i got bit by a cat; since one of the other techs got bit a few weeks ago and ended up having to stay in the hospital for a week on IV antibiotics for severe tendonitis, we are all required to visit the ER any time a bite breaks the skin. i waited at the hospital for 3 hours, feeling inane, watching 'the family guy' and my inaugural episodes of 'john and kate plus 8' (OH MY FUCK) at 3-5 am. i was sent home with an rx for doxyxycline. i feel like i've been on a lot of antibiotics lately. that extra tweak in my circadian rhythm has fucked up the last 2 days. i woke at 5 this morning, went back to sleep around 9, woke at noon, and cleaned the fuck out of my house. i mean, my shower actually drains now. i was horrified by the amount of filth and debris i ignore: plant leaves caked with dust, the black mold on the outside of the toilet, long-forgotten chex scattered behind a plant. "i will never be this gross again!" i cheerily vowed whilst taking a blissfully un-clogged shower afterwards. the truth of this remains to be seen; i default to sloth all too rapidly.
this is from a postcard i have on my fridge. the boy is holding his dog; in the background is a mushroom cloud. this is one of the first photos i took with my iphone. i like the blur.

"i like the blur" should be in my obituary.
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