...although, were i not in my vehicle one evening, i would not have seen the man diligently towing a fucking kayak along the sidewalk of mercer avenue.

this is my first night off in nearly a week. i went to an HIV/AIDS seminar last friday and had to endure a puffy middle-aged hag asking the speaker, a man diagnosed in 1986 (!) "so, basically all people who were gay in the '70s have AIDS?" i worked 45 hours in a 70 hour period. when the time came yesterday to trundle to my thai massage class, i decided to sprawl on the trampoline with the pussycats and read 'stiff' instead.
'stiff', by the way, is awesome. there is a place in the toolies of tennessee that studies human body decomposition! in shade and sunlight! clad and un! today and one month out! fascinating stuff. magpies cawed outside the window.
last night d and i met up... the first time in over a week. i had been feeling paranoid. apparently he had been also. we ended up under a bridge in u-village, circa 3am, watching a raccoon climb a tree. the earth breathes audibly at that hour... or perhaps it was me.

things are, for the moment, really fucking lovely again. aren't they always lovely, though, and i'm just too oblivious to appreciate the obvious?
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