i calmly walked down the stairs, waited until the door of the respectable office building where the test was conducted was almost closed, and shrieked in the middle of the parking lot. i shrieked a lot.
i had one of the nuggets discs back in the cd player. i blared 'psychotic reaction' on the way home, windows down, grinning wildly.
god, i feel so good right now.
i walked downtown. it is still fucking hot, the sort of hot where when you stop moving, the sweat catches up and envelopes you. i wandered around the ID, smiling vapidly. 'twas at uwajimaya where i found this peculiar and delightfully named product:

i walked from the ID to capitol hill. (i have sweated a lot today.) i got the tattoo i have fantasized about for years- the one i draw sloppily on my arm with markers every few months. the session ended up taking 2 hours. the history channel was on the television behind me; i learned a bit about atilla the hun, then erik the red. i am now wearing a bandage that makes me look suicidal.
outside the cafe where i am now at is this fascinating still life... there's a story there, god damn it.

i am more mellow right now than i have felt in weeks. today was the flush-inducing climax of the past 15 months... now i get to lean back and grin lazily through the afterglow.
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