Saturday, June 30, 2007

permanent periphery

apparently i am an nc-17 blog, according to some blog-rating system that i cannot recall the address of. i cannot fucking imagine why.
immaturely, this pleases me.
my neighbors with the horrid child are officially gone. gone! i was actually on the deck with music playing this afternoon- two things that i have honestly been unable to properly do for the last 11 months. "he's napping" she would say. or the kid would be fucking around in my plants, throwing dirt everywhere, or banging on the glass. and what was i to say? they were my landlords. and now... it is so indescribably pleasant, i cannot express. there was a sale on sunflowers, so i now have some on my deck, falling over constantly and looking decrepit a mere 24 hrs later. i was repotting some cacti when my neighbor at the other end of the bldg came over. we were chatting for a while before i realized my g-string was completely exposed above my jeans. i felt like a whore. kept talking anyway. he is going to lopez island for the month of july and i will be watering his plants. this means that I WILL HAVE THE ENTIRE FUCKING DECK TO MYSELF FOR THE INDEFINITE FUTURE. i am giddy as shit about this. i shall have to find things to spray-paint.
two blocks of 7th avenue were cordoned off by police this afternoon. apparently the prime minister of south korea is in town. he is staying at the sheraton. the korean government can do no better than the sheraton? a crowd of people, myself included, lingered around on the sidewalk for a good while before the cops started letting traffic resume. it was very anticlimactic. i talked with an officer who had a reno-911 moustache and aviator sunglasses. "did he just come through here or will he be?" i asked. "oh no" he said, obviously disgusted. "he's milking us for all he can." -direct quote. and i laughed. the cops had been at that intersection since 9 am; it was around 4 or 5pm at this point. i said something daft about the nice weather.
i stepped away to the bus stop and started talking to a tourist who was actually from korea. he was oblivious to the prime minister being in town. he offered me a korean cigarette. "look at the pretty box" he said. "it has a cat on it."
everyone on the bus was craning their heads to find the accident. "it's the prime minister of south korea" i said. "accident, prime minister, what's the difference?" a man in a pink shirt replied. nobody knew why he was here, either. there were about six of us casually participating in this exchange; we all, in one liquid movement, laughed embarrassedly at our collective american ignorance.
the sunset tonight, i might add, was fucking gorgeous.
i always end on the weather. let me try something else...
flowering dogwood trees smell like a guy masturbating with shampoo.

1 comment:

Bronto Love said...

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

fucking (17x) shit (6x) ass (5x) fuck (3x) gay (2x) kill (1x)