Wednesday, May 16, 2007

'red-eyed and blue' is a really good song title

work has been fucking insane. the days pass quickly, anyhow. i spent 7 hrs in surgery yesterday: portosystemic shunt on an incredibly obnoxious dachshund (oscar) and a bilateral thyroid mass removal on a beagle (joie). case of the week: anna the border collie with the horrific peritonitis after being dragged under the house and mauled by her canine housemates, presenting at the clinic on saturday with her intestines hanging out and coated with gravel, huge portions of bowel surgically resected, leaking diarrhea all day sunday, today alert enough to let me pet her head whilst staring at me listlessly, bill over $12,000 as of 10pm today.
there are far too many dachshunds named oscar. we see at least 2 a month.
there were 2 parvo-+ pit bulls, littermates, there over the weekend. one was 'peanut butter.' the other was 'jelly.'
tonight we had someone's pet duck. it's name was actually "aflac."
odd, vivid dream interrupted by my alarm this morning: it was sometime in the 1800's. i was with my aunt/grandmother (continually morphing twixt the two), but we were about the same age, late 20's, hair up and wearing hoop skirts. we were riding a train; she had purchased the tickets, and the entire voyage was understood to be a very newfangled and fancy endeavor. she had procured a berth. we presented our tickets to the operator, a smiling woman who resembled aunt jemima, and were instructed to go to the other train to get to our seats. to do so we had to climb onto a catwalk on the moving train and cross over to another car. the train was speeding through landscape that could be classified as 'heartland'- fields of roiling wheat, occassional trees in the distance, blue sky dotted with clouds. and the two of us walking on the roof of the speeding train, wind blowing our hoop skirts and hair, laughing. "i can't believe how easy this is" i shouted over the noise. we were almost dancing. the air was warm. i woke up and immediately wanted to fall back asleep to see what happened next. it is rare that i have pleasant dreams.
analyze that one.

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