Wednesday, May 30, 2007

down on me playing. and i had forgotten how fucking great this song is. and it tidily ties into S COMING INTO TOWN TOMORROW! giddiness!
today was hot and sunny... damned beautiful. i walked for a long while, very happy with the world, smiling automatically at people, people smiling back. some even beat me to it. i feel like i've just had extraordinary sex. and d made my day that much better... i have been laughing aloud about my high-school mentality ever since.
'wrap your hair around my skin'... the doors kick them's version of 'gloria' out of the fucking park.
work was fun. i have been in an obscenely, irrationally good mood lately. everyone there has been getting along swimmingly. and i got a raise. it is nice to be validated.
this is fun: (i was seeking hakarl specifically)
there are so many things that simply do not exist any longer- inanities that are not missed until that occassional "oh yeah, remember..." moment. the step-on-the-mat-and-the-door-opens thing at supermarkets- gone! (the last one i knew of was the ancient safeway in downtown olympia, which is apparently being razed.) or, on a grocery-related note, those lurid 'super sip' juices that were sold in the produce section. i craved them when i was younger but was never allowed to get them. apparently the common american supermarket carries over 30,000 different items; more than that are introduced new each year (most fail). costco and other warehouse stores carry about 4,000. thank you, seattle times. as always, i plan to be a hit at any cocktail party.
the moon is full tonight. i believe it is a blue moon, even. and that is a fucking cool thing. perhaps it can help explain my frenetic daft borderline-mania. the waning shall sap me, i fear.
but tonight, with the patina of a sparkly day and a smashing optimism and everything coagulating quite nicely, i have 'growing up brady' (purchased at a thrift store; it appears to have gotten wet at some point prior and the pages are curly) to look forward to!

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