Monday, September 11, 2006

i've got it bad!

spent the last 6 hours of work in surgery... handed it over to another tech when my shift ended. bilateral sacral-iliac fracture repair, conducted by the cheery surgeon who actually TALKS, though the surgery was a fucking nightmare and nothing was connecting properly and he would grow rather quiet, but at least he likes classic rock, and 'godzilla' came on, and keesha (the keeshond) did very well under anesthesia, on my watch at least.
i feel like leaping around now. standing in one spot has never been my forte.
coming to this cafe when i obviously have nothing sentient to offer- i do so because it is my 'third place' and i am too wired to go home.
'think pink' was on the radio on the way here. they played 'set the controls for the heart of the sun' and i recalled laying in my bed in nice, headphones, large windows showcasing streetlight-lit leaves. that was a marvelous place. if ever one is shabbily moneyed in the cote d'azur, do stay at les orangers hostel. it was my home for six weeks.
one good thing about france: i would never hear 'hot for teacher' on the hi-fi, as i am currently tortured with here.

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