Saturday, January 16, 2010

over halfway

...i really am thinking of this voyage in such a manner, almost as an exercise in endurance.
there are, of course, many nice things.
this is from the first day, before i lobstered myself... how halcyon three days ago felt!

today we went to the zoo; it's pretty much across the street from the hostel. it's one of the top 3 in the united states, per multiple placards, and it was pretty awesome. hotter than fuck, and d is one of those people who stands in the background rather than approaching or interacting with anything, but it was worth twelve dollars.

the signs are very respectful of the animals.

it was d's decision to take my picture with the goat. i like goats. they have fun pupils.

i really enjoy this building; i think it's a hotel. it has that air of "let's make the most ingenious, NOW structure we can, circa 1958" quality about it. it belongs on a postcard with scalloped edges, advertising the "tiki steakhouse" and "color television in every room" on the back.

amid all the hellacious floral and disposable dreck of hawai'i proper, one can enhance one's lifestyle.

these fuckers are everywhere. ah, l'america... it's all the same, ocean be damned.

103am: i am currently laying on my nasty hostel cot, sunburn throbbing, listening to d try to exhale a lung through his nostril. i miss the rain. we promised each other to snorkel tomorrow. hopefully i won't menstruate into the ocean and get attacked by a shark.

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