Friday, January 01, 2010

from there to here

d has a charming habit of using props to describe damn near everything. a massage technique will be symbolized with sugar packets. if he's giving you directions, a fork will become the road, the salt shaker a house. he will include as many details as there are accoutrements at his disposal. last week, over a plate of particularly delicious fries, he demonstrated the tenets of calculus for me at the deluxe.

new years day 2010. i read an entire book (short stories about the futility of modern male life- it's called "trouble" and i forget the author, but it's mostly quite good) and blared nancy sinatra. she was part of a mix tape that i will never give to the person i made it for. 'tis a pity. it's a really good tape.

the sidewalk was most likely referring to something a titch more carnal, but it eloquently describes how i've felt about things lately.

it's a beautifully grey day. i walked to fremont in the wind. there is a mellow smugness that comes from being utterly un-hungover on new year's day. marvin gaye has replaced the bee gees. my keyboard is covered with glitter.
i wish i could fall in love with the people who deserve it.

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