Saturday, February 17, 2007

putting the 'twit' in twitterpated

it is bombastically sunshiney today, and if i wasn't hung over on aquavit life would be damn near perfect.
i am rather amused by that sentence.
someone's phone blares 'ode to joy.' the owner is promptly reprimanded by library personnel. one of my coworkers has a biggie smalls ringtone. methinks that would not go over too well here either.
walked home from the bus stop last night in a blurry, giddy state. that is one of my favorite routes, up precipitous inclines past dark-windowed mansions with the city sprawled out below, past wet gutters and groomed yards and nicely maintained vehicles, the contents of my bag a-jingle, giggling out loud at the glory of it all. uphill breathing sorta augments pangs of lust. but only sorta.
perhaps i shall come back to this when i am not so intellectually stultified. currently my head is filled with happy cement.

1 comment:

Bronto Love said...

Here's your new favorite album: