Saturday, January 06, 2007

it's about fucking time

i have been grinning my fucking silly ass off. i love, love, LOVE the goofy glow of when i have a severe crush on someone... and when they like me back. we swapped mixes last night- a cd for me, a cassette for him. i drove around through the bowels of east king county today listening. funkadelic to serge gainsbourg to johnny winters to spiritualized to curtis mayfield... from someone who is really fucking cool besides? i am sitting at a cafe right now smiling maniacally as i type. i must look drugged. ah, this too shall pass, as the fantastic always does... or malleate into something more discouraging or sinister... but NOW, RIGHT THIS MINUTE, i am giddy as fuck.
not even aerosmith on the hi-fi shall get me down!
at the swap-meet booth at the market the vendor was hollering "cheap, folks! all this stuff used to belong to my ex-wife and mother-in-law and some other people i don't like!" i had only two dollars on my person. i bought an antique metal box of pencils and a glass bottle of "sani-flush" toilet cleaner (empty), complete with a label of a smiling skirted woman dancing around the commode. everything is wonderful and marvelous and fascinating right now. the candied honeydews and $19 saffron threads at delaurenti's! the chihuahua with the pink fur coat! the posing couples in front of rachel the market pig! chocolate covered sunflower seeds and free samples of tea! even the cold wind is not as hateful as it is affirming.
yeah, i'm still smiling. fucking nerd.

1 comment:

Bronto Love said...

It's time to join the digital age darling. I still have all your cassettes (well, post August 2000 that is...), but presently have no medium to listen to them with.

Not sure if Johnny Winters and Spiritualized belong on the same CD, but what the hell do I know?!

Enjoy your saffron wishes and honeydew dreams.