Saturday, January 20, 2007

a hot mouth and a smart remark

i feel quite happy and gelid at the moment. the man with the rainbow "smile" sign was on his usual corner downtown; i grinned automatically as usual. played with toys for a long while at magic mouse. did i do this same route last week? probably. i tend to favor my silly little ruts. the sculpture park had its 'opening' today- apparently they really do gate it off at night, which is quite annoying; the space reeks of "les get fucked up an have sex onna lawn". there are also signs prohibiting sculpture touching- of huge abstract metal things. fuck you, seattle! i pawed discreetly. the sun was shining and people were upbeat. many kids on shoulders, many dogs with jackets, the smell of sauteeing onions at the hot dog stand, the sidewalk drummer and his semicircle of plastic buckets. i am reading 'the wal-mart effect'- required for any human, whether one shops at wal-mart or not. it is predictably appalling.
for example: huffy bicycles was contracted through wal-mart, which no company worth its capitalistic salt will apparently turn down, and 900,000 bikes were ordered. but they can only produce 450,000 in their factory. huffy ended up giving their 'trade secrets', whatnot, to rival companies so that the bicycles could be assembled in their facilities. huffy is now fucked, and for a pittance of kickback- i cannot imagine one makes a profit when costs are diminished. whatever. what the fuck do i care about huffy? i had a 'country girl' bicycle when i was about six. it was orange and purple with streamers on the handlebars. that was my brush with huffy. i believe my parents procured it at carr's (which is now safeway... how time does march on). i received it for xmas. giving a bicycle to a kid in december in alaska is fucking cruel. i was too scared to ride it in the snow, and 5 months later too disinterested. if i helmed a company, would i name it 'huffy'? no. no, i would not.
and therein, my scattershot consciousness, with all its vapid patina.

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