what did one do before italics? capital letters? perhaps the english language was richer. the entire dictionary was actually utilized, i suspect.
i am content. i don't feel frantic or loopy or overly hyper or especially jangly... tonight is mellow and wet and i'm cool with this. work was slow... one appointment at six, a massive guy who requested a female therapist. i was paranoid about a repeat of monday, when a male had a 'physiological response' on the table (yet another rite of passage!), but that didn't happen today. "cool music" he said, which, being MY music, made me happy. i also gave another coworker a massage- she fell asleep to the point of snoring. in between i watched the city get fucking drenched from the dry side of the glass. i left an hour early. a few blocks away, on the broadway sidewalk, was this:

the further down the hill i walked, the more the air smelled like the ocean.
last night s and i had a fucking ridiculous repast- there's this new restaurant/bar with a pretentious name and spiffy clientele and cement floors and sharp edges and FUCKING DELICIOUS FOOD. i was writing what we ate as we got it: everything was small, arty, and shareable. god damn:
-white anchovy tartine with white bean puree and smoked tomato: i am surprised my lust did not soil the hard bench. it was fucking amazing.
-crispy pig tail with grain mustard vinaigrette and deviled egg: not as good. the pig tail looked like a deep-fried beanie-weenie and the texture was weird. we agreed after that it would have been much better hot.
-albacore tuna crudo with local watermelon (which i had no idea existed...), pickled rind, and chervil: like tuna-flavored butter, which is a very, very good thing.
-kusshi oysters with preserved lemon mignonette: would have been excellent as the first taste in my mouth, but was a bit overwhelming after the pig and anchovies and whatnot.
-grilled octopus with marinated chickpeas, chorizo, and salsa verde: YEAH. FUCK YEAH. take a look. fucking christ, a Taste Treat!

so nice, i macro'd it... to better capture the chorizo effervescence.

we ended with chocolate torte (a cube of flourless chocolate ahhhh), caramel gelato (not very caramelly but texturally conducive), and pistachio puree (awesome).
i am so fucking glad i eat meat again.
i have always been a food nerd. it's so satisfying to make things, to discover things, to engage the more hedonistic parts of my brain. i have a new blender and tonight i'm going to make the best hummus ever. i realize that this is not exactly 'cooking', but it's difficult to justify bombast for only myself, and i need things into which dipping can occur.
there are some meals i will never forget...
-grilled whole fish at an outdoor cafe in lisbon.
-falafel, scarfed down messily in an alcove out of the sudden downpour in le marais, paris.
-israeli couscous at szmania's, seattle.
-the charcuterie plate but especially the transcendent red cabbage sauerkraut at schwabenhof's, alaska.
-sweet potato fries with curry aioli, seattle.
-pesto and mozzarella on fresh baguettes when i was an impoverished vagrant in nice, france.
-the chicken soup, made evil with hot sauce, and the various banchan at the v.i.p. lounge, anchorage... even better cold and extra-rice-pasty the following day.
-potato pancakes with sour cream and applesauce at manresa castle, bainbridge island.
-hot succulent pork, fresh off the pig's rib, and collard greens, indianola.
-unagi hand-roll with a cold quail egg melting into the warm rice, seattle.
-eggplant-almond enchiladas that i made with my own hands.
i could go on.
but i'm squirming in public.
so i shan't.
i started yet another lindy 3... i had to augment the last session because my work schedule changed, but now it's changed BACK. dancing makes me so fucking happy. it's so much better in the 'winter'- the windows of the ancient ballroom in which we practice are all open to let in the cool air and the sound of rain. everyone is glorious and pleasant and i'm WARM. there are three things that make me very, very happy, and they all involve my body being warm: dance, massage, and that other thing.
i got home this morning and the house was quiet and the cats were sleeping and i sat at the table and read the paper and smiled at my world.
i like how all my posts of late have this languid, daft "yay" vibe about them. i shall look back on this era with sublime fondness and slight awe.
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