Friday, May 09, 2008

she said her name was sheena

things are happening again. the rut has temporarily levelled.
i am going back to new orleans! after i booked my ticket it occured to me: i was there exactly one year ago. possibly i will be there on the exact same days (june 4-7). it will be humid and slimy and decadent and luscious, like revisiting a faraway lover for some incredibly good sex... that is how i feel about new orleans. i got a bonus at work so... fuck it, right?
on the other end of the financial spectrum, my insurance does not cover "pre-existing conditions" for the first year of enrollment, but my PITTANCE OF AN INCOME (relative to american standards; i get along quite well, thanks) qualifies me for two years of FREE avonex. normally it runs around $1500/month (weekly injections). i have not started it yet; twas only yesterday that i finished slogging through the monetary rigamarole. it is one of those times when i am actually quite proud to be poor.
i visit a massage school next week to see if it's "something i would be into." i have toyed with the idea of becoming an LMP/T for years. they offer 9 month programs, at the end of which you are licensed... it's been time for a change, SOMETHING, for far too long.
the weather is finally sort of somewhat mildly springlike. my sunflowers are sprouting.
that was an unintentionally awesome illiteration.
bought my mom a pack of "jewish mother" novelty gum for mother's day. On the box: "Fruit-Schmoot", "8 pieces no less", "go. rot your teeth", and my personal favorite: "again with the gum?"
that phrase has been riccocheting through my head for the past several hours. oh! the bus is coming! "again with the gum?" a text from that new lad! "again with the gum?" i'm ordering a glass of wine, typing, using the loo: "again with the gum?"
a swarthy man who i can only describe as "pimp-like" accosted me at the wallingford bus stop. "you're in high school" he said to me, the way frank zappa says "you must be a libra." after telling me i looked "sixteen or seventeen" and asking if i had any kids, he invited me to pose for photographs, then to accompany him to a steakhouse. it is one of the only times in my life when i have purposely blown cigarette smoke in another person's face. and then i shook his hand goodbye. he was polite, after all.

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