Tuesday, April 03, 2007

a very boring and pointless post

i have been exceptionally high-strung lately- no, really, even more than usual; if i were a cartoon guitar, the strings would be snapping and the sedate nearby tuba would be chortling indulgently. it comes and goes. currently my mood is good, mellow even; but at work, surrounded by the bitchy asides and power trips, i have been letting it get to me too much. i do enjoy my coworkers overall. but it is very fucking nice to have the next 4 days off.
it is very fucking nice to have nowhere to be.
another slice o' minutae: what is in my refrigerator? (a recurring series)
-apples, bought out of an obligation to purchase fresh rather than dried fruit, temporarily forgetting that fresh fruit is BORING. they have sat in there for at least a few weeks.
-two cans of pineapple. see above.
-pineapple salsa. this, on the other hand, is craved and eaten frequently, and in large amounts. newman's own is the best.
-tofu. extra-firm. the boxed kind.
-marinated green beans. the worst sort of impulse buy: drunk at the 24-hr drugstore (not supermarket, drugstore) at 3 am, they were on sale and looked enticing. i had forgotten i'd procured them until the next day. "what the fuck?" i said aloud. they are still sealed.
-honey mustard.
-soy sauce.
-apple sauce. probably rotten.
-soy creamer.
-stale white bread that needs to be thrown away.
-1/3 bottle of bacardi rum. has been in fridge door untouched since september.
-still-unopened bottle of dom perignon, keeping all the other crappy food company.
thus i unwittingly embody a whole new subgroup: the slothful wasteful white-trash pseudo-vegan. if i could, i would kick my own ass.

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