we started 'structural bodywork' today. the school cannot call it 'structural integration' because we are not taught the 10 points of rolf integration. it looks pretty cool thus far. the teacher is actually focused and demanding of our efforts. we have, i believe, all lapsed into the 'whatever' mindset so integral to promoting the flaky-massage stereotype... it's laughably jarring to have an instructor who starts class on time, cuts off aimless questions, and expects us to have our shit together. i like it.
i am really, really going to miss being in school.
my neighbor let me know that someone had left a note on the windsheild of the VW (along with my front license plate, which was creepy, since they would have had to take tools and remove it). the fucking car has been parked at a 30 degree angle from the curb, unstartable, since i had to move it out of the driveway last week. my hood embodies the classic seattle cliche of earnest white people being fucking passive aggressive. i deserved the letter- i'd been waiting for it- but it was still fucking irritating to read a page-long missive, tidily scripted, about how "cars should be moved after 48 hours and i'd hate to have you towed" and "this space is meant for 4 cars" and "signed, a neighbor." i actually looked in the car for a pen so i could write something snotty on the back of it, or at least draw a sarcastic smiley face to reattach to my windsheild. instead i flagged two men in a volvo (of course, a volvo) to help me push sweet green into a more suitable curbside position.
i have had two calls about selling her. the second was from a friend of the aforementioned neighbor. i don't really want to sell her to someone i am in any way related to... 1. i don't want to see her being treated properly, because it will make me feel like shit, and 2. overall, she's kind of a death trap. better to inflict potential fuckery anonymously... and i'm a fucking asshole.
the other night, still feeling like ass, i surveyed my meager collection of dvds. i NEVER watch movies at my house... it's a two-three times a year kind of thing, and only if i'm ailing or completely fucking sulky. but i buy a lot of crap, and i have all these bizarre dvds from the dollar store, most of which i have yet to unwrap. one of them stars a young jodie foster and a hirsute john lithgow... i would date it early/mid 80s? it is called "mesmerized."
it wasn't even good-bad. it was surreal. i had never heard of it, and know i know why.
the cafe i am at is playing the talking heads. "people in seattle sure love the talking heads" one of the papers said recently (david byrne was in town for a reading; i was at work, fucking damn it) and it's true. one cannot go anyplace or turn on any commercial radio station without hearing "once in a lifetime." this is fine. the talking heads are to seattle what, say, bad company are to the anchorage of my memory.

it's candle season.
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