d and i acting immaturely at the 5 point.

i am addicted to these fucking nicotine lozenges. i finally read through one of the 'smoking cessation' pamphlets that come in every (expensive) box. one is meant to wean themselves off of these over an approximately 12wk period. the box even comes with chipper little stickers to place on your calender; the last one says "EX-SMOKER". well, i have not done this. 13.5 months later, i am still sucking on at least 10 4mg tabs a day. i tried the gum but it was fucking vile. i also tried simply *not* using the lozenges, but it turned me into a shrill, snively harpy. fucking nicotine. i love it, but i hate being 'reliant' on anything.
the cherry ones are currently my favorite. the mint ones are okay. i have not tried the 'cappucino' flavor yet, and i promise i never will.

the only thing less alluring than this blatant oral fixation? taking pictures of myself with the goddamn things in my mouth.
i am sitting at a cafe right now. a woman just came by my table, looking for extras for a 'thee emergency' video currently being filmed a few blocks away. instead i will be at d's in an hour to practice lomi lomi. time marches on.
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