according to the lost poster, this cat "bites and swipes!" but his "momma loves him."

today, in the butcher's hill section of baltimore, an ~10year old boy yelled "fuck you, white girl!" at me. he was hanging from his knees on a jungle gym at the time, as kids do. my first reaction was to laugh, to admire his precocious opinions. but the fact that it was the second time in as many hours that i'd had that phrase, virtually verbatim, hollered in my general direction, made it a bit weirder.
i go through life with the naive idea that people are good. people are kind. when rudeness occurs, i blame myself for misinterpreting inocuous moments. when i feel annoyed, i consider it a personal flaw.
people are not always good or kind. people are fucking human. we are flawed, tactless, easily hurt, unwittingly caustic, deliberately cruel. and i shouldn't let it get to me. i should know better.
the sunset tonight was beautiful.
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