geddy lee has been back in my life for nearly a week. i love the little shit, but i'd forgotten over the last three (!) years how fucking obnoxious he really is. he weighs about 20 pounds, howls throughout the night, hisses at the other cats, swats at us with claws extended. he also opens cabinets despite their safety locks. i am objectively impressed by his resourcefulness- his catness- but he makes for a rather vexing roommate.
he is, however, terribly photogenic. and i can justify his malcontent by remembering that i personally, with my own two hands, removed his right testicle when he was five months old.
entropy fucking hates him.
the lair is in a half-assed state of unpacked disarray. we have temporarily given up with the nesting and are stacking boxes neatly against the walls. our schedules are still fairly dissonant, though i am officially down to 3 days a week at work (to better focus on school). when we have free time together, the last thing either of us wants to do is unload crap.
t hung the lps above the window.
happy 71st birthday, judy blume... and charles darwin...
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