tiresias mid-lick:
work has been much, much better. i start swing shifts tomorrow. today was my last morning of waking at 5am to a black sky, waiting for the paper to be delivered, feeling blurred. 5am should be an hour one sees only if one is still awake from yesterday.
fucked case of the week, thus far: the gastric-esophogeal intussusception. a year-old dog presented with acute hematemesis. xrays revealed what looked like a collosal second heart in the thorax. the stomach was INSIDE THE FUCKING ESOPHAGUS. surgery was done on friday night. the doctor had to crack the ribs to manually milk the stomach back to its proper place. the stomach wall was then tacked to the abdominal wall and a weighted feeding tube was threaded to the jejunum. yesterday the dog was looped on fentanyl but raised her head when spoken to, and politely stood outside her cage to defecate. today: she still looks drained but wags her tail and walks outdoors. animals are fucking amazing. would any human be so impressively resilient? not i, i fear.
but this, in the parking garage of the grocer near my lair, is absolutely the best thing i have seen all day:
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