Thursday, September 06, 2007

twirl your own marshmallow

i went to MOHAI today (free museums on first thursdays), which was fun and somewhat calming. pictures of the old seattle. depictions of shop interiors. a display of the world's fair, with a sponsor-made film starring two impossibly grinny teens romping eagerly through the masses (the midway, now unfortunately called the 'fun forest', was then 'the gayway.' which is fucking wonderful.) i was one of the only people there. they have the original neon R from the rainier brewery, in its 15' metal glory. i caressed and photographed it. after, waiting in the dusk for the bus, i tried to recall the iconic things i have personally fondled. a chunk of the berlin wall. the rosetta stone. jim morrison's grave. the statue of liberty. the twin towers. the eiffel tower. a crowbar from the implosion of the kingdome. lux interior's sweaty bespandexed ass.
surely there is more.
the world was made for reverent touch.
my self-imposed introversion continues. i am wanting the instant succor; otherwise, fuck it. and i am finding myself unreasonably nit-picky about the benign tendencies s has- things that, in his absence, are amplified to the point of intolerablity. like: "i only eat organic" he says. "i want to go to the galleries for artwalk." don't feign pretension, ever. it makes me wince. or his habit of humming when he is unsure of what to say. not quite a hum, it's more of a "hm." "hm." over and over. i do not think he is aware of it. and it fucking drives me crazy. or his know-it-all attitude. the boy is smart as fuck, on a startlingly wide array of topics, but his smarm was obnoxious enough that a few weeks ago i said to him "do you ever feel that any experience someone else has had, you've done better?" it took him half a beat to blink in understanding, or at least blink at my appalling snottiness. "am i being condescending?" he asked. "yeah, a little bit" i said. "i've been told that before" he said. about that time, annoyed, i left the table to play galaga.
i am a fucking bitch, really.
on a related note:
it is extremely difficult to wield control with a mouse. plus, it was done in about 10 seconds.
there was a LARGE pile of short, wiry black hair in the sink in the women's loo at the odious chain bookstore. it was exactly as if someone had shaved off all of their pubic hair. "oh god!" i exclaimed aloud, leaving without washing my hands. i started laughing when i got outside, wondering of the girl still oblivious in the adjacent stall- what her reaction would be, if she was unnerved of what she may be encountering.
i also came across the most vile joke i have heard in a long, long while. it is too disgusting to even reprint here. congratulations, nasty world, for making me snicker every time i think of it.

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