Thursday, July 06, 2006

all in the details

i spent a fair chunk of yesterday stomping around feeling morose. it was the first holiday i'd had off in quite some time, the sun was shining, and i was too busy being petulant because everything was closed, the apartment i'd wanted went to someone else, monday at work was an exhausting nightmare, i have no friends in seattle, BLAH FUCKING BLAH. but then! for no perceptible reason, my mood began to change for the better. was it the shouting match i witnessed on the #15 that resulted in one man being ejected from the bus? the luscious sweaty neck of the backpacker in the seat in front of me? sideways rain finally usurping the entropy of relentless sunshine? frozen mangos? rearranging my lair? the savory man at the newsstand? the small trifles add up to a colorful whole. perhaps i just stopped lamenting what wasn't and started digging what is. yes, that's pretty much it.
walked through the muggy night to the road above the interstate to watch the fireworks. there were shitloads of folk in various eschelons of drunkenness, repose, and coupling. an old man twirled with scarves. kids shrieked. it was a happy vibe. i ended up weasling my way up to the barrier fence with nary an obstruction to the view. yes, i despise everything that independence day stands for, liberal limp-wrist that i am, but fireworks are fucking brilliant. crowd reactions to fireworks are even better. the sky lights up and the world looks downright beautiful. after they ended i turned around and realized that the street behind me (a steep incline) was completely saturated with bodies. everyone clapped when it was over. i walked back uphill feeling very happy about life. "psycho killer" was in my head, which seems very erroneous now.

a lab was brought into work today. he had been hit by a car yesterday and seemed to be doing poorly, so the owner hit him over the head with a hammer 'to put him out of his misery.' he woke up today with the intention of burying the dog but the dead dog had wandered off. unfortunately i did not get a glimpse of this extraorinary beast, but the triage tech said it was wagging its tail "and looked pretty good, considering."

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