Thursday, April 13, 2006

i'm not a crazy miserly cat person, i'm minimalistic

well, fuck me! i've been typing for the last 15 minutes and ffftt! it vanishes! was it that important? oh, probably not.
suffice it to say: i am in a very good mood. class was fun. it is making a lot of sense thus far, even if i cannot properly pronounce anything. drove to monroe earlier because i could. monroe is east of everett: strip mall hell, surrounded by bucolic farmland, bright green fields seeming artificial against the grey wet weather. later i ended up in my unofficial journal-writin' spot, on the water in west seattle. rain was pelting the roof of the car. downtown loomed across the bay. i had parked in front of a bush bearing copious orange blooms. it made for a very attractive scene. i thought of taking a picture but forgot. (sorry, my new york friend, i haven't figured out how to transfer photos from my phone to this.) everything in general is incredibly comely of late. the other night i was walking around my neighborhood sometime after midnight, feeling decadently sorry for myself. the streets were empty. i was passing mansions with darkened windows, cars carefully parked, gutters filled with blown blossoms. and i realized that there was nowhere else i'd rather be. red 'bush' stickers beneath the stop signs. ornate gables on victorian eaves. old-growth trees. the sound of my own steps. having nowhere to be, no one wondering or even aware what i'm doing. i suppose that this can be a lonesome sentiment if considered at the wrong time. i saw (and see) it as very fucking freeing. just like that, my sour mindset became very humorous, silly, personal. it is nice when i can kick my own ass a bit.
fucking freeing fucking freeing fucking freeing... go on, try it.
i read ruth reichl's 'garlic and sapphires'- reccommended. she was talking about blood thickening one elaborate meat sauce and i was salivating. and i'm a crunchy fucking vegetarian.
i own nary a pot now. MRE curries are actually quite tasty at room temperature. matzo soup is good at room temperature also.
it is all part of my plan to regress to a mental/physical dorm-room Zen. it is a pleasant feeling.

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