Tuesday, January 01, 2008

going up down down up any way you want me

2008 started off very, very nicely. i heard a solitary firework outside as i kissed him under the feather blanket, listening to the band, existing in the moment. why can't every second be like that? because i wouldn't appreciate it, that's why.
i slept like shit. i am currently existing on 3 hours. we woke up at 530 so he could drive me home. we were counting the other vehicles on the road. we saw 3 between capitol hill and queen anne. one of them was a cab. "does that count?" he asked. "he's getting paid to be out here."
i stopped at the convenience store on my way to work, desperately needing caffeine. in front of me in line were two guys in their swanky rumpled attire from the night before, dropping their change and weaving about as they purchased 4 six-packs of natural ice. it was seven am at this point. the streets were still desolate as i drove to work, listening to rap on KEXP, swallowing ibuprofen with my tea.
i was asked by a coworker if i made any resolutions. "to not be such an asshole" i said. "yeah, because you're the biggest asshole i know" she replied, laughing. i really fucking love that place. changing jobs was a damn wise decision. today a waggy dog named pixel was found to have cancer- his blood smear was saturated with lymphoblasts, 94 out of 100 on the differential, most bi- and trinucleated with angry little spindles of cytoplasm reaching out towards the surrounding cells, as if to spread further malaise. his presenting complaint: erthyema around his prepuce, and lethargy. seeing microscopic evidence of biological dischord is fascinating as hell- probably my favorite part of veterinary medicine. everything is explainable, everything makes sense: there is a progression of evidence that manifests symptomatically. it makes it impossible for me to be anything but an atheist.
yesterday s and i took the blue meanie (the new vehicle) to fairhaven, which is to bellingham what, say, spenard is to anchorage or ballard is to seattle: part of the town, but yet still independently notated on the occasional local map. downtown fairhaven is 3 blocks of really fucking cool old brick buildings, the bottom floors of which are filled with twee boutiques and tapas bars and gardening stores and wine cellars. very cute and very painfully yuppie (and need i add, very middle-aged-caucasian) at once. we sampled champagne at one of the wine shops. i had never before had true french champagne (which is the only actual champagne there is, blah blah blah- i know); my 'sparkling wine' oeuvre had generally focused on the fuck-the-cheerleader deliciousness of asti spumanti. (i still have that bottle of dom perignon in my frigidaire. i am waiting for the Right Time.) french champagne is GOOD. it is very dry, smells like yeast, and tastes like the head off a guinness.
my archaic laptop is NOT TURNING ON. i spent thirty embarrassed and increasingly vexed minutes rassling with the fucking thing in a cafe last week, stupidly pressing the start button over and over, manipulating the screen open and closed, and at one point even banging it on the table. therefore, further pictures may be a bit delayed in coming.
i have the next 3 days off. this is fanciful. and neccessary. i look and feel like a frizzy-haired wastrel who's coming down from a weeklong meth binge.

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