Thursday, December 28, 2006

oh sweet NOTHING

i received a comment from a fucking spammer? gah!
mellow washes of pleasure... having nowhere to be. it was actually sunny today, after dense morning fog obliterated the world past my deck. fog-free, i can see clear to lake washington from my lair: i am actually directly across from zymogenetics and their 4 smokestacks (the bldg was once a seattle city power facility, i believe). i have spent the last few days, apart from working, being holed up in said lair (including xmas eve and xmas itself), alone, doing a fucking jigsaw puzzle and listening to the top 1000 classic rock songs ever!! on kzok ( it has actually been rather enjoyable.
xmas at the ER involved the usual litany of euthanasias- 16 total, not including several that expired of their own accord. one cat was 21, another 19. i euthanised a seagull with a broken wing. there was "chewy" the pygmy goat who had lost her ear whilst attacked by dogs- "van Goat!" i said, but no one laughed. the table in the break room was laden with sugary detritus. everyone was irritable and sluggish by yesterday. i almost brought helix in to add to the pile of corpses. his prolonged decline has been causing me more stress than i care to admit. much of my hibernation was, in part, to spend time with him. but damned if the fucking wraith doesn't keep surprising me. he ate dry food zealously today. so he gets to live. he still purrs, he's still happy... just much, much more lackadaisical and reclusive. i lose all ability to apply my knowledge when my own guys are affected.
enough weird-lady-cat-talk, thanks.
at least half the people here, myself included, still have their scarves on. it is fucking freezing here. this is the first time i have been warm and not uncontrollably mucoid in several hours. that would be an even cooler statement when affixed to other random things, like riding in an elevator, or riding an elephant, or

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