Wednesday, August 05, 2009


i have unwittingly stumbled onto a Magic gathering. this is quite surreal. i thought the guys at the table next to me were painters, for fuck's sake, and even leaned over to say "wow, that's really lovely"- i thought their boards were their artwork, like they were debating how to proceed with some fanciful ad copy, and that their boxes were full of pastels. "another centaur?" one of the men just lamented. i possess the only vagina in the room.
today a man murdered three women at a health club in california. parts of his blog were cited online. he was a sick, fantastically miserable fuck. the accompanying picture looked scarily nondescript.
"soldier soldier soldier soldier - levitation - death!" another Magic boy announces.
loneliness seems to be the fulcrum of his madness. nothing will fuck up a human mind more devastatingly.
people on the comment board for the article were making lascivious comments about the picture. "i'd hit that" one wrote. "he's in really good shape, although his eyes creep me out."

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