Wednesday, February 20, 2008

did march come early?

was my post from mere hours prior eerily prescient?
i am grinning like a fucking trollop. must stop. very, very optimistic. i am hoping. whatever. shut up, brynn.
i did my first volunteer help with v today. the weather was warm and springy; i procured, per her request, a very heavy assload of apples and bananas at the qfc near my lair, half-hoping i would be able to catch a bus to her apartment in belltown. but i missed the bus and was running late anyhow, so ended up walking. ended up at her condo covered with unctuous springtime sweat, 12# of fruit in one arm, a case of bottled water and my stupid bag in the other. her mother is visiting from serbia. she knows no english. she taught me "thank you" and "small" and "good morning" and literally shoved a banana in my face as i was trying to clean the windows with watered-down dish soap. p, v's son, was being a real asshole as only 7yr olds can, slamming his greasy hands on the windows as soon as i was done cleaning them, purposely getting in my way, slamming doors in my face. he knows english. i basically told him off in front of his grandmother, who smiled benignly through the entire exchange. v, meanwhile (who speaks english very well), was in a panic because her abusive ex-husband was coming by this evening to pick up his shit. she has a restraining order against him. she was worried that he would take her things too. "my mother, she is too polite and will not tell him that it is not his" she said. i went through the piles of boxes in her bedroom, showing her each one's contents. "you should put all his stuff in one place so he knows what to take" i said. i wish there was more i could do. a lot of what i saw today is too fucking personal to her for me to blithely babble about in a fucking blog, but i will say: goddamn, i am fucking lucky. and goddamn, i fucking hope things work out for her.
after: a convoluted bus ride to georgetown, a gleeful procurement of 'yesterday and today', photographs of the demolished rainier cold storage building, an hour-long wait on a skanky stretch of 4th ave S at a bus stop next to a vacuum shop that was giving away bibles, watching a seedy man repeatedly try to open a locked residential door and then stumble away. and then: the coolness i shall not yet name or explain further, because every time i get enthusiastic about another human it ends up kicking my ass. around 8 i remembered the eclipse. we ran into the street to view it. it was just waxing, a fingernail-sliver of white against the bottom. ridiculously, i couldn't help but think "this is the start of a new world."

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