Thursday, May 17, 2007

happy birthday, bill bruford

this is fun. i was participant 3,000-something. it takes about 40 minutes. all in the name of science, people.
i fucking love craigslist. not only did i find my apartment there, but yesterday i procured a FREE CACTUS. it is over 4' tall/wide and at least 20 years old. the man sounded debilitatingly baked when i called; sitar music played in the background. the house was an old mansion on top of queen anne, tibetan prayer flags hanging out front and a "what happens on the porch stays on the porch" sign beside the front door. i expected a sallow-skinned priveleged hippie. instead he was short, in his sixties, and bald- bankerly, even. "it's outgrown us" he said. "my wife had it before we met." i could not hide my delight. it now sprawls in my living room like a prehistoric beast.
(coincidentally, i went on another plant-buying binge yesterday before acquiring said cactus. i had to replace the ferns infested with spider mites. i now have a rubber plant and a ponytail palm, among others. houseplants are my crack.)
jerry falwell is dead. has been dead. whatever. i am not weeping.
this means that two more 'celebrities' will also die soon, as all deaths happen in threes. i debated this with one of my coworkers after kurt vonnegut and don ho... who will it be now? jimmy carter? zsa zsa gabor? randy newman? i do not wish death on any of these fine folks, let it be known.
an article in todays paper trumpeted the popularity of "scatterers": people/businesses whose purpose is to dispose of cremains in areas the family and friends may not be able to get to. "my mother always loved ireland" one man was quoted, "but i can't afford to go over there." apparently over 30% of americans are now cremated; only 5% were in the '60's. i could not imagine any other way. "water is still the most popular resting place for cremains" the article stated. myself? a little pinch everywhere. perhaps salt shakers could be handed out at my funeral- "here, carry this with you and if you happen to be someplace brynn might like, sprinkle a little out."
i would be flattered beyond adjectives if i was ever given a similar opportunity.
found a cd of a man's hitchhiking voyage across america. he asked everyone he rode with what their life philosophy is. one person's answer: "keep things moving. keep the wheel turning." another: "remain indifferent." both applicable yet completely dischordant... unite the two and you have "embrace both as part of the whole."

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